Unique gifts for mum’s that are hard to buy for.
What makes an amazing gift?
So with Valentines Day coming up very soon, it is the perfect time to share some insight into what the Mum’s, Wives or partners in your life actually want.
Yes, we won’t turn our noses up at a gorgeous bunch of flowers, box of chockies or a stunning diamond ring, (which I actually did get for Valentines day back in 2001.)But sometimes, a little more thought goes a long way.
To Not have to cook or wash up!
So this is a pretty standard request. Most mum’s are lucky to ever get a break from cooking a meal for the family. And by the way, there is a lot more that goes into the actual delivery of a meal than you may realise. First, we will stress/ponder over what to cook. In my family, the 4 kids are very rarely ever all happy with what I choose to serve. Even a meal of spaghetti bolognaise gets some noses out of joint. For example, child 1 does not want pasta, but will tolerate a little bit. Child 2 loves the spaghetti but not the meat so much. Child 3 only eats a few spoonfuls of meat and that is it! Child 4 will happily devour the meal. Thank goodness one of them likes it. So we get to also field off the complaints, negotiate how may spoonfuls need to be eaten, try to keep them seated and not distracted and then clean up all the mess! It is relentless and repetitive.
2. Appreciation/acknowledgement.
This is one that is hopefully happening on more of a regular basis than just special occasions, but nevertheless it is one that can never be overused. One thing I am big on is just remembering.
I will quite often tell my hubby that a simple card is so appreciated because it shows me that I am valued. That he took the time to think of me, to choose a card that seemed fitting and
hopefully write in it. He thought of me. It doesn’t have to be a card, a simple moment where you describe the reasons why they are so valuable in your life will be more than enough. Do not be
ashamed to go really mushy on this one. Most women love the gushy, mushy love stuff.
3. Quiet time/alone time.
Many mums spend day in and day out with little people either attached to them, or calling out for them. CONSTANTLY. It can be frustrating to hear “Mu- um,” a million times a day. So set aside
some time when you she can shut herself in her room and read, have a cuppa or listen to something. Even better, kick her out of the house! Send her out for a massage, or a takeaway coffee
sitting down on the beach. The sound of waves is really relaxing, by the way. In any case, time without other people is a necessity.
4.Someone else to call the shots.
In many families, the mum/wife is often the one who makes the daily decisions, organises weekend sport, school life, meals, housework, appointments and what is happening on the weekend.
We are constantly trying to think ahead, play catch up, plan and organise and try to juggle all the balls at the same time. Take some of the load of their brains for a bit. Make the decisions
around family meals for a week, sort out the kid’s school needs, make the decisions and prepare for weekend family time. Just allowing them to not have to worry about meeting everyone’s
needs for even the smallest amount of time will be greatly appreciated..
5. Have some memories captured.
I have to throw this one in!!! Give them the gift of time standing still, for just a moment. Help these amazing women see and remember how important they are within the family. Help them to
see the beauty of your family life together, their own beauty as a woman and how much you enjoy being together, having fun. Give them the gift of catching the emotions and interactions,
the smiles of joy on your kid’s faces. This is priceless. Truly.
So there you have it. Some easy, original and unique gift ideas for Mum’s, wives or partners. And the great part is that some of them just take a little effort and thought. So go ahead and show those women around you how much they mean to you. Feel free to share these ideas with anyone who may be looking for inspiration.