Sarah Jane Photography

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5 Tips for Choosing the Best Photoshoot Location

So you’ve chosen your photographer and now you need a great location. Part of my job is to walk you through the photography process from start to finish, including selecting a suitable date, time, outfit ideas and of course; location. The location plays such a huge role in the overall feel and style of the photos your receive and it is my goal to find the perfect spot for you and the best fit for your family. Here are some tips to consider when choosing the perfect location.

  1. Go for somewhere meaningful.

    It can be really beneficial to think about choosing somewhere that has significance to you. Consider places that make you feel good and bring up great memories, eg. Were you married here? Did you grow up going to that beach? Does this park remind you of home? Do you bring the kids here for special occasions? A location that has meaning will be evident in your photos. Why? Because it isn’t just a pretty spot, it is a place that you have a connection with and allows you to feel the emotions that we aim to capture in your photos. If a place brings back memories of joy, love, abundance, freedom or peace, then this will be conveyed in your facial expressions, your attitude and how relaxed you are in front of the camera.

2. Do some research.

What images have you seen that you like and why do you feel drawn to them? Was the location the stand out feature? Did it look amazing even though it was a cold, drizzly day? Many photographers will have galleries of previous sessions on their websites or social media. Have a look through them. Consider whether you liked the way the lighting was at that particular place at the time of year that you may be aiming to have your session. Were these photos similar to the look and feel that you know would best suit your family?

3. Look for Variety/versatility.

Does the location you are considering give you options? Is there a variety of backgrounds/landscapes that you can make use of for different shots, without having to head to a different location entirely? Many beaches are a great example of this. Most have several options for shots which will add interest, variety and excitement to your gallery eg. bush/tall trees, sand dunes, ocean, rocky platforms, pathways, wooden stairs or fallen logs.

4. Space and Natural Light.

It seems obvious but having enough space will allow for more opportunity to capture the shots you were envisaging and also try many different activities. For example, many of my family sessions involve running races, kicking balls or bubble chasing. Having space to spread out will also give you options when trying to steer clear of having additional people in the background of your photos and allow for ample natural light.

5.Don’t be afraid to be unique.

Choose somewhere that highlights your personality, your love for an area, a certain theme/feel, or a particular activity that you enjoy together. Beaches and grassy areas are stunning, but if you hate sand and your kids are allergic to long grass, then they may not be the best option for you. Alternatively, you may find that a lifestyle session at your own home to document your daily life and time together, is the best fit. There are so many options that will become evident with a little imagination, for example, a bush trail, a wharf, an old bridge, a gazebo, favourite bike track or cafe. Most things are possible with a little planning and forethought. So get creative!

The location of your photo session should be a personal and meaningful choice that will have significance for you in years to come. You are investing in quality photos and an amazing experience, so it only makes sense to pick the ideal location to go with it. Your photographer will be more than happy to discuss options and ideas with you to find the best fit, so that your photos are authentic and true to who you are and what you value.

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